Student drivers: the curbside parking spots along Glenwood as well as the parking lot between the Middle School Cafeteria and Annex Building are reserved for teachers. Student parking is by the visitor’s side of the football stadium anywhere in the first two rows of the Cultural Center parking lot. Thank you!

There will be a Girls Soccer Interest Meeting today in Coach Kimmel's classroom (in the Annex Building) during Flex. 

Both Middle School and High School Art Club will meet today after school. Please gather in Mrs. Dells’ Room before walking over to the Center for The Arts to have a guided tour of the Georgia Watercolor Society Exhibit. 

Students interested in participating in HOSA's State Leadership Conference must attend a meeting after school today in Mrs. Peralta's room, T4 at the Hansell St campus.

Middle School Picture Day is tomorrow. Pictures will be taken in the auditorium from 8:00-10:30. Order forms are in the front office if you need one. 

FBLA has an Interest Meeting for high school students tomorrow after school in Mr. Kirkley’s room (CPU Lab). It won't take long!

Basketball season is coming up and Coach Moore wants to make sure all 6th and 7th grade boys interested in playing basketball have all of their paperwork and materials together. Please join him for an Interest Meeting this Friday during Flex for a quick run-through of what you will need to qualify to play. 

All 7th graders who have either signed up for Science Academy or are interested in going on the trip need to meet in the Multipurpose Room Friday during Flex to discuss schedules and room assignments.

SENIORS! Save the Date, 9.20.23. Mrs. Angie Wilson with the State of Georgia will be here for a FAFSA presentation at 5:30pm in the Auditorium.  Please make plans to attend. This will be the only time she is here for this presentation! 

MPMS is hosting the Bulldog Bash Friday, September 22nd. This is a back-to-school dance with a DJ and concessions! It will be held in the MPMS Cafeteria from 7:00-9:00. Tickets are $5 in advance, $7 at the door and you can purchase through Mrs. Brewster or Mrs. Rainey.

Coach Davis is hosting an Informational Meeting for Middle School and High School Swim on September 25th at 4:00 in the THS Cafeteria.

High School Yearbooks are now on sale for $60 until Friday, October 27. 

Sgt Spires is offering Driver’s Training for $175. Spires provides the vehicle and the class will run Monday-Saturday. Upon completion of the course, you will receive a Certificate of Completion as well as a 15% discount on car insurance. Spires can be contacted at 229-403-0027 or

We are seeking students between the ages of 14-18 with interests in young people’s health and overall well-being who want to serve as young leaders for social change in their local communities. You will explore topics such as mental health, setting personal goals, communication skills, social media, and youth empowerment. If this sounds like something you would be interested in, please consider joining the Youth Advisory Council. See the flyers around campus or visit the Front Desk for more information.